
Video Infoanlass vom Donnerstag 19.11.2020, 18 Uhr per zoom
Città nel giardino / City in a garden

...Says Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan, a landscape architect, researcher at the Singapore-ETH Centre Future Cities Laboratory... (Testo/Text Valentina Croci)
Seminarwoche Herbst 2020

ATELIERGESPRÄCHE Fünf Tage– fünf Zürcher Büros erzählen...
Dense+Green Cities exhibition

29 Aug 20 - 16 Feb 21 | Dense and Green Cities will be part of the Open Space exhibition in Venice, presenting the interaction between buildings and the city as ecological system.
Homeoffice! Leben und arbeiten nach Corona - Eine Chance für das Glarnerland?

Impulsreferat: Prof. Sacha Menz - 200821, Glarus -> Video now online
Invitation for the opening parties of the exhibition "OPEN SPACE" 200828, Venice

29 Aug 20 - 16 Feb 21 | Dense and Green Cities will be part of the Open Space exhibition in Venice, presenting the interaction between buildings and the city as ecological system.
Infoanlass für MAS und CAS vom 18.06.2020

Vielen Dank an: Prof. Sacha Menz, Axel Paulus, Meret Alber, Dr. Ivan Bocchio, Baris Ekin Özdil, Birgitta Schock, Marc Zürcher Grafik: Michael Geiss-Hein (www.mistermaikel.de)
Weiterbildung Infoanlass

Donnerstag 18.6.2020 um 19 Uhr über Zoom 92354489759
D-ARCH REMOTE Final Reviews-Prof. Sacha Menz

The D-ARCH’s shift to online research and teaching – due to the global pandemic situation – has turned out to be a significant success. The launching of the present digital platform concludes the current semester, by bringing together, showing and archiving the results of the department’s manifold teaching and research activities from the past months, focusing on the Final Reviews of the current studio projects and a virtual exhibition of the Master’s Theses.
Video: Thank you for being part of our Dense + Green Cities webinar!

Dense+Green Cities: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem online presentation and panel discussion on 5 May.
DENSE+GREEN CITIES - 5 May 2020 6-8PM (GMT+8); CH 12 Uhr

Programme and Panellists

Architecture As Urban Ecosystem Webinar: Presentation in conjunction with Dense+Green Cities exhibition exploring the interaction between buildings and the city as ecological system
Bauprozess II, Bauprozess III, Ökonomie, Bauprozess Ausführung, MAS ETH GPB, MAS ETH ARC, CAS ETH ARC Digital, CAS ETH ARC Unternhemung im Fernunterricht.
The Collective Power of the Single Building

This article by Prof. Sacha Menz appeared in the publication "Dense+Green Cities: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem"
Bauprozess III - FS2020 - transformed

Bestand als Ressource und Impulsgeber FS20 I Freitags 10-12 I HIB Open Space 3, Ebene E I Prof. Sacha Menz, Isabelle Heide
Seminarwoche Frühling 2020

ATELIERGESPÄCHE Fünf Tage– fünf Zürcher Büros erzählen...