DENSE+GREEN CITIES - 5 May 2020 6-8PM (GMT+8); CH 12 Uhr
Programme and Panellists

link pdf
5.45 PM Registration and waiting room Public (SILA to register CPD)
# DGC event slide?
5.45 PM Pre-talk, cam + soundcheck Geraldine Ee, panellists
6.00 PM Welcome Geraldine Ee
6.03 PM General introduction Mark Wee
6.13 PM Transition Geraldine Ee
6.15 PM Introduction of FCL Stephen Cairns
# FCL slides?
6.25 PM Transition Geraldine Ee
6.27 PM Main presentation Thomas Schroepfer
# D+GC slides
7.12 PM Transition / intro panellists Geraldine Ee
7.15 PM Panel discussion (D+GC / COVID-19) Panellists
7.40 PM Public discussion Geraldine Ee, panellists, public
7.55 PM Closing remarks Geraldine Ee, panellists
# DGC event slide
8.00 PM End of event
Geraldine Ee, Singapore-ETH Centre Future Cities Laboratory
Roland Bouffanais
Roland Bouffanais is Associate Professor in the Engineering & Product Development (EPD) Pillar at the
Singapore University of Technology and Design and currently serving as the University’s Director of
Graduate Studies, overseeing all Masters and Doctorate programmes. He has been a Postdoctoral
Fellow and Associate at MIT, and still is a Research Associate with the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at MIT. Dr. Bouffanais is also the Director of the SUTD Applied Complexity Group that
conducts interdisciplinary research at the interface of Complexity Science, Artificial Intelligence and
Engineering Design and a Co-Principal Investigator of the Cities: Urban Science and Design for Density
research project at SUTD.
Stephen Cairns
Stephen Cairns is Programme Director of the Future Cities Laboratory and served as Head of Department
of Architecture, and Director of the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. He
completed his PhD at University of Melbourne and was appointed to a Lectureship there. He took up a
Senior Lectureship at the University of Edinburgh and was appointed Professor of Architecture and
Urbanism there in 2009. His books include Drifting: Migrancy and Architecture (edited) (Routledge 2004),
and The Sage Handbook of Architectural Theory (Sage 2012, edited with Greig Crysler and Hilde
Heynen). His co-authored book (with Jane M Jacobs) Buildings Must Die: A Perverse View of Architecture
(MIT Press) was published in 2014.
Srilalitha Gopalakrisnan
Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan is a landscape architect and currently serves on the Council of the Singapore
Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) as 1st Vice President. With over 15 years of professional
experience, and a diverse portfolio of projects across Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong and India,
she worked with Tierra Design in Singapore for over 11 years on projects ranging from residential,
commercial, hospitality, institutional, recreational to master planning with many of her projects winning
accolades. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Architecture and Sustainable Design at the Singapore
University of Technology and Design.
Sacha Menz
Sacha Menz is Full Professor for Architecture and Building Process at the ETH Zurich. He served as
Dean of the Department of Architecture and founded and over ten years led the Institute of Technology in
Architecture (ITA), where he designed and coordinated the building process of the Arch_Tec_Lab. His
publications include Three Books on the Building Process (ETH Zurich/VDF Verlag 2014) and Public
Space Evolution in High-Density Living in Singapore (FCL 2014). In 1997, he founded SAM Architects
and Partners where he has been actively engaged in architectural competitions throughout the world. He
recently joined the Reviewing Board for Clusters of Excellence of the DFG (German Research
Foundation) and the Strategy Commission and is a member of the Strategic Board of ETH Zurich.
Thomas Schroepfer
Thomas Schroepfer is Full Professor and Founding Associate Head of Pillar of Architecture and
Sustainable Design at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He obtained his doctoral and
master’s degrees with distinction from Harvard University, where he was appointed Assistant Professor of
Architecture in 2004 and Associate Professor of Architecture in 2008. His recent book publications
include Dense+Green Cities: Architecture as Urban Ecosystem (2020) and Dense+Green: Innovative
Building Types for Sustainable Urban Architecture (2016). He is the recipient of prestigious awards and
recognitions including the Asia Education Leadership Award and the President’s Design Award,
Singapore’s highest honour accorded to designers and designs across all disciplines.
Mark Wee
Mark joined the DesignSingapore Council (Dsg) as Executive Director on 14 May 2018. He leads the
Council in driving and implementing national policies on design as Dsg continues on its Design 2025
journey—which is to make Singapore an innovation-driven economy and a loveable city, by design.
A design veteran with wide industry connections, Mark has brought the work of the Council to the
attention of global design leaders via platforms such as Brainstorm Design, Milan Design Week and the
International Architecture Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia). This has laid the groundwork for the
Council’s upcoming plans to grow the Singapore Design Brand more aggressively overseas.
Mark is a design thinking pioneer in Singapore, having designed award-winning innovative experiences
for the public and private sector. An award-winning architect, Mark was recognised by the Urban
Redevelopment Authority in 2017 as the top 20 Under 45 architects in Singapore that would define the
next generation.